Press releases
FUTUREN publishes its 2018 Annual Financial Report (2019/04/29 6:00 PM)
This document may be consulted in French on FUTUREN's website
FUTUREN is a group active in the field of wind energy, present throughout the entire wind value chain. The Group develops, builds and owns wind farms in four countries: France, Germany, Morocco and Italy. In total, the Group manages 648 MW for its own account and for third parties.
Registered office: Cœur Défense – 100, esplanade du Général de Gaulle – 92932 Paris La Défense - France Administrative address: Europarc de Pichaury - Bât. B9 - 1330, avenue JRGG de la Lauzière - BP 80199 - 13795 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3 - France Tel: +33 (0)4 42 904 904 – Fax: +33 (0)4 42 904 905 - The stock is listed on the compartment B of Euronext Paris, symbol: FTRN.
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